Channel: V Shred
Category: Education
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Description: Begin your fitness journey today by taking my free body type fitness quiz - 72 pounds GONE in 33 weeks with Fat Loss Xtreme! “My whole life has changed. I’m happy again. I’m smiling again. This is not a fake smile. It’s a real smile, and I’ve got it on all the time,” says 44-year-old V Shred client Rich from Canada. Just over 8 months ago, Rich was an unhealthy 305 pounds, refused to look at himself in the mirror, and was a total diet skeptic. Now, here Rich is less than one year later, sharing his testimony of losing 72 pounds with V Shred and gaining a level of self-love and happiness he didn’t know was possible! We love the advice Rich has at the end of our interview for anyone hesitant to get started! But no matter where you are in your fitness journey, turn up the volume; we know his story will inspire you! #VShredReview #72PoundsLost #VShred 👇 Drop a comment below and let me know how this story inspires you! Don't forget to subscribe for more videos as well! V Shred Review | Fat Loss Extreme Client (72 pounds lost!) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out My Supplement Stacks! For Fat Loss: For Muscle Building: -------------------------------------------------------------------